
"TIME" - it`s one of the most important measures in people`s life and activity. Success of any company that is involved in sales of service and products directly depends on time saving in realization of this process. Expert management of our company`s logistic scheme attracts more and more clients.

Working with us all the process participants save “their” time and in this way get in return financial and economic benefits. Our company undertakes free of charge delivery of goods to our regional partners all over Belarus to the certain regional and district centers as well as delivery of large goods within Minsk limits and within a 10 km radius from Minsk Ring Road.

High-qualified drivers operate the delivery in IVECO passenger and cargo minibuses.

Goods delivery is proseed individually. It is made on a fee basic under the arrangement of parties.

Information and documents that are necessary for individual delivery providing:

  • information about the point of discharge (de facto address);
  • contact phone number of the customer (who will accept the goods);
  • consignment note;
  • cash voucher.

If you have any questions, you can call us on +375(17) 511 64 80 – Logistics Department